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Delicious Mountain Dew Soda Apple Dumplings | Thri...

This apple dumpling recipe is made with Mountain Dew and is absolutely delicious!

Yes, these apple dumplings have odd ingredient that made me pause the first time I made them. Soda? Won’t they get all mushy and gross and taste like…soda?

But I went with it and I’m so glad I did! How can something so simple and easy taste so good?


These sweet dumplings take about ten minutes to prepare and 40 or so minutes to bake. 

apple dumpling ingredients

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Here’s what you’ll need to double the recipe for a larger group. This option makes 16 apple dumplings:

Easy Mountain Dew apple dumplings

(makes 16)

Two Granny Smith apples 

Cinnamon (as much as you’d like) 

Two packages crescent rolls 

One tsp vanilla 

3/4 cup sugar

3/4 cup brown sugar

Two sticks unsalted butter, melted (just do it) 

Twelve ounces Mountain Dew

I rarely make that many dumplings (mostly because I know I’d eat them all). 

So I prefer to half the recipe as follows: 

Halved Mountain Dew apple dumplings 

(makes 8)

One Granny Smith apple


Dash of vanilla 

1/4 + two tbsp (or six tbsp) sugar

1/4 + two tbsp (or six tbsp) brown sugar

One stick unsalted butter, melted

Six ounces Mountain Dew 

(see below for more info on the soda amount)

To start, preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Peel and slice your apple(s). 

I peel first and then slice using this apple slicer/corer that makes cutting the apple into sections super easy:

apple slicer/corer

You’ll have eight perfectly cut slices for your eight crescent rolls. 

Lay out your crescent rolls, dust with cinnamon and wrap your apple slices:  

crescent cinnamon apple dumplings

Wrap them up well and place in a 8×8 or 9×13 dish: 

cresent roll apple dumplings in pan

Either size pan works — you may want to adjust the amount of soda you use for each size. I’ll share more on that in a bit. 

I close up the ends of the dumplings so the apples are completely covered. 

Mix the sugar, brown sugar, (melted) butter and vanilla in a separate bowl. 

It will look like thin applesauce: 

sugar mixture for dumplings

This part is where I think I made these even more spectacular, on accident years ago. 😉 

We didn’t have enough sugar the first time I made this recipe, so I figured brown sugar would work as well. I used half brown sugar/half sugar instead of all sugar like the original recipe called for. 

I think that little change makes these extra AMAZING.

Spoon your applesauce sugar mixture over the dumplings: 

apple dumpling ingredients

Did I mention these aren’t the most appetizing before baking? Push on my friends. 

Finally, pour the Mountain Dew into the pan around the apples: 

Mountain Dew apple dumplings

You can pour it all over or around — I prefer to pour it into the pan to ensure a browned, crispy top on the crescents rolls.   

When I use this smaller 8×8 pan I don’t use quite half of the Mountain Dew. Just enough to cover the bottom of the pan. If you’re using a larger dish, you can add more as it will take more to cover the bottom. 

Bake the dumplings in a 350 degree oven for 35-50 minutes. I know that’s a wide window, but it will all depend on your oven and how crispy you want them to be. 

I bake them closer to 50 minutes. If you want them extra crispy on top, I recommend doing the same: 

apple dumplings in pan

Just keep an eye on them towards the end!

I doubted these when I first saw them out of the oven — they looked like they would be total mush all the way through.

But I persevered.

And added some ice cream:

Vanilla ice cream really should be an additional ingredient. It’s almost mandatory. 🙂 

They are SO GOOD. I cannot express the deliciousness of these easy apple dumplings. 

The best of both worlds…the bottom is mushy, the apple is tender:

crescent roll and apple dessert

And the top is crispy and flaky!

classic apple dumplings with ice cream

You will not be disappointed! YUM. 

I may have eaten a couple for lunch today. 

Variations on these delicious apple dumplings… 

  • If you don’t have Mountain Dew, any clear citrus clear soda will work! Sprite or Squirt will taste just as good. 
  • Drizzle caramel or sprinkle powdered sugar on top for a little extra somethin’.
  • I hear peaches are just as delicious in this recipe!
  • Many of my readers overseas don’t have crescent rolls — you can use a puff pastry or any refrigerated dough. 

Go get some apples and brown sugar and make them immediately. You can thank me by sending a few our way. 😁

Have you tried these easy apple dumplings yet? Any other easy dessert recipes I can’t live one more day without?

Pin this one for later with this image!: 

soda apple dumpling recipe

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